Sunday, September 6, 2009

Conceding defeat: A puzzle tragedy

As mentioned earlier I have been suffering mental trauma, self-imposed, trying to decrypt the alpha puzzle found here.

Tyler Wilde, editor at Gamesradar, solved the puzzle and kindly threw a bone my way for my earlier post about my travails. Both Dan and Tyler have since tried to urge me in the right direction but I have come full circle into total bewilderment.

Dan offered the same direction he had given Tyler, a single word that could describe much. It led me to decryption,artificial intelligence and the creation of CAPTCHA's. It allowed me to find code-breaking software that might break the encryption if I let it run for a few hours. I rode that pony hard in a million directions,traveling down dozens of wrong alleys. I came up empty.

I suspect the answer, once revealed, will the kind of thing I will want to beat myself with a stick for not getting.

Therefore, I concede defeat and look forward to the answer eventually being made public on Dan's blog as I limp slowly into the night, licking my mental wounds.

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