Thursday, October 2, 2008

Debates are for whiners

I mean, as a villain, I tend to monologue a fair bit, (usually in front of a camera and a mike, I do lead the country myhah haha hahahahahahahahahaa )
The French debates always chafe my chaps, ‘cause the only place in the country that speaks French is Quebec little bastards. If it weren’t for their Cultural Shield Emitter I would have flattened the whole place year ago and now have an army of francois zombies at my beck and call.
Hmmm, mental note, zombies are good idea, work on that, outside of the Conservative party.
Inneffectual Man and Lady Change keep slamming me on the economy and the environment. Fortunately all I have to do to terrify the senile electorate in this country is repeat “recession recession recession” over and over. Of course, this depends on the “Economic Fundamentals Machine” continuing to transmit q waves across the country, convincing everyone they still have a job and good credit.
Bad part is that I bought it as a prototype of the production model The Bush has been using for years down south and his has already worn out. I figure this one might last until next summer and then whoo boy people are going to hate me! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA
As long as the charge in the ultra sonic blinder stays fresh I should be able to stay the course, and continue to drive the country into the ground
Life is good

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