Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Commander Destructo has entered the final phase of his plan to bring the whimpering paeans of the United States to the knees by reducing their economy to shambles. Its clear to me know that I must step up my game in order to qualify for the super-villain Special Olympics.

Though I have allowed our financial institutions to engage heavily with Destructo’s, there are these “laws” and “regulations” in place that prevent me from letting loss the dogs of war, economically speaking. My only hope is to continue to ignore the citizens of Ontario and allow their economy to drag the rest of the nation down. Only my baby, the spawning point of my own personal breed of minor villains, Alberta, is keeping the country afloat. However in doing so evil is still propagated as we continue to destroy the environment by feeding the national and global addiction to oil without any real investment in alternatives. Only this way can I ensure the downfall of this nation and fulfill my super-villain destiny.

On the lighter side, Ineffectual Man released his platform recently and I just had to laugh. He whines and bitches about my spending towards a deficit, eating up the surplus I had received while also cutting services. Well duh, how else can I cause the fiscal ruination of the country? I am a bad guy fer cripes sakes.

The largest impediment to me now is being continually overshadowed by the spectacular evil perpetrated against the citizens of the US, I can only aspire to such lofty height, though it is giving me an inferiority complex.

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